Looking to set some goals?

INSIDE : Tips and advice for taking control of your home organization, life and business! All you need to do is simply make a plan, set some goals and get started.

Home, Life + Business Goals

This post has been updated from it’s original 2016 post date.

I don’t know about you, but I adore getting my life more organized.  I’m not sure many of us really love chaos or stuff all around, to be honest.  I’m often looking for ways to better store items in our home or purge those un-needed toys we keep holding onto.

If you are ready to get yourself and home organized, meet a few personal or business goal or get to those resolutions for the new year – then I have TONS of great info for you below.

Setting Small Attainable Goals

I have written so many posts about giving your home a fresh start, making to-do lists and making small attainable goals.  If you by chance are looking to set goals this year, then you have come to the right place!

To start with, this paper  monthly planner is my favorite for keeping myself on track!  There is something about it’s simple and clean design that I love.  I have used it for 4 years in a row.  I love paper products and the chipboard cover is simple and oh so perfect. 

If you are wanting to run a marathon, you don’t make the goal run a marathon. You say I want to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. Once you’ve hit that mark, then you say I want to jog 2 miles a few times a week. Then when that seems easy, you continue to up your goal so that before you know it, a marathon is actually an attainable goal!

This is the best way to go about actually hitting the mark. Make a big dream and then break it down into smaller bite size goals you can easily hit one by one.

Tips to Organizing your Home

Ohhhhh goodness, I love an organized house.  When I need a particular spice or dried herb, I know EXACTLY where it is because my kitchen cabinets are organized.  

When I am looking for a washcloth, I can go straight to my Linen Closet and know where they are because I’ve taken the time to get things in order.  

And when I’m feeling overwhelmed with “things” cluttering our spaces… I go back to my over 44 things to throw out post and can feel awesome about tossing all of them.

How to set Life Goals

Are you a planner like me? Do you like to schedule and dream and plot up ways to better yourself or inch closer to your plans?

I clearly am so passionate about this topic because I have written A LOT of blog posts about goals, planning, new year resolutions and just starting.

Check out a few of them below and get going on those dreams!

And if you are ready to start afresh this year and take back your time, you might be interested in my ebook, Just Start.  Because I believe with all my heart that nothing changes in life until you BEGIN!

Ready to dive a little deeper into this exciting topic?  I’m SO THRILLED to share my Just Start ebook with you!  

Just Start In-POST-graphic

The link to purchase is below!! 

Setting Business Goals

Whether you want to start a blog or have big dreams in your current profession, setting goals for your business can feel like a lot. Here are a few tips I have for you…

Goals and Organization for Life, Home + Business

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