Start where you can
INSIDE : Start where you can, make where you are at! If you have a little tiny fire for something in your heart, don’t let it sit idle… make your dreams a reality, reach for your goals and still maintain sanity.
In 2012 I started this entire creative adventure by opening a small Etsy shop. I created graphic prints and invitations because at the time I had a 15 month old and a new born and although my head was bursting with ideas and my heart was still drawn to be creative, spare time was something I literally had zero of. So instead of sitting and waiting and dying a little bit on the inside…. I decided to Start where I could.
Read to the very end of the post for how YOU can start get started!
The job of being a mama is a wonderful job. And it’s a job that although I don’t talk about often here on my blog, is one that I take VERY seriously. I am exceedingly intentional with my parenting and spending time with my now almost 6 year old and 7 year old is something I deeply cherish. I am so proud of the people they are already becoming.
However, it was important to me from the very beginning that I still hold onto something of the “me” before children. Something in me knew from the start that if I jumped 100% only into motherhood, it would not be good for me. So a year after my daughter was born, my Etsy shop was born.
The beauty to me of creating graphic prints as a stay at home mama, was that during naps and in the evenings I could let my creative heart run free. I could design away and make 1 print or 999 prints. Then when someone wanted to buy one, it was as simple as printing a design out, packaging it up and mailing it.
In 2012, Etsy wasn’t doing instant downloads, so I would wrap and mail every single print I sold. (Thank goodness they do instant downloads now!) I was able to satisfy the creative side of me and I was still able to be present and with my babes.
However, as time went along I slowly realized I loved packaging the prints up more than making them on the computer. And I wanted to share the creative process with people rather than only giving them a completed product, so in June of 2013 Delineate Your Dwelling, the blog was born! First post here, yikes.
It is truly my greatest joy when friends and readers share projects they’ve made or have been inspired to create. I believe we all are creative and NEED to create. Sometimes people are scared to start and I try to share how simple and satisfying it is to JUST START wherever you are at.
Looking to dive a little deeper into this topic? I spent some time writing down everything I know about making goals, setting a plan, going through the ups and downs of a dream and then sticking with it! I’m SO THRILLED to share my Just Start ebook with you!
Check out the ebook here!!
I have loved working and sharing via this blog over the last almost five years more than I ever thought was possible. So when Society 6 popped up in my radar last November… I was intrigued and decided to take a swing at pattern and product design, also.
I would not be exaggerating to tell you for the first 2 years of blogging, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT I stayed up to midnight or later because I loved making my little blog into something I was proud of. Well – when I started my Society 6 shop, I stayed up until 3am the first few nights because I could not stop these colorful patterns from spilling out of my head and onto pillows, mugs, cell phone cases, wallpaper, tee shirts, etc!!!
And now almost six years later, I sit here and wonder…
-How is it that I am so blessed to be able to make?
-How is it that while being at home with my babies (who are now little people) I was able to help create wedding shower invitations and inspiring quotes that strangers hang in their home?
-How have I run my own creative blog for five years now?
-How am I able to write this blog post while leaning against a pillow that I designed?
-And how am I a week and a half away from completing my first BOOK!!!???
The answer is so simple, friends. I started where I could and I made for where I was at… and little by little I have grown. And if I could shout anything from the rooftops, I would say – start. Start today if you have a little tiny fire for something in your heart.
Don’t be intimated by thinking you’ll never get where you want to be. I certainly never thought I’d be where I am at.
Just start and start small and before you know it, you’ll be ready to take on just a little more. And with time, you’ll stop and think, how did I get here?!!! Slow and steady wins the race, that’s my life motto and I’d love for it to be yours, too!
Ready for TONS of inspiration like this?
Does Slow and Steady really win the race?
5 Tips to create a Sustainable Business
I’ve picked my word of the year, now what?
Looking to set some Goals?
Start the year by knowing WHO you are with a Personality Quiz
Start where you can
3 Reasons to Start something New
Life is Tough, but so are YOU printable
And then I just Started
Just Start ebook
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Amy!! I completely agree with your philosophy. Sometimes it is hard to put it into action, though. This is such an inspiring reminder to just GO for it, whatever it is, and do what you can. I love it!!!
Amy, thanks for sharing your progress! I can’t wait to buy your book when it comes out! I identify so much with wanting to “hold” onto a part of yourself after having children. I feel like that is perspective that I don’t hear from bloggers very often, so it’s very refreshing! As is everything here 🙂
Aw, you are the best. I adore my babies but I think it’s important to remember we are still people with passions for things non-children related sometimes and that’s okay!! xo
What a wonderful journey it has been! Just think of all the new creative adventures and accomplishments you’ll have over the next 6 years. There truly is nothing like pursuing your passion!
I wish everyone could follow their passions as much as we have been able to! xo
I love all of this! Love your new shop too. So many goodies in there!
Thank you, friend! I would never be doing any of it had I not just taken that first baby step and I hope to encourage others the same way! xo
Girl. This is everything. What a good message. And I love having a front row seat to at least the last couple of years! Can’t wait to see what’s next and thanks for inspiring us to get off our tooshies and MAKE.
Aw, thanks for the love and encouragement every step of the way friend!! xo