Top 12 Fan Favorite Projects of 2016
What a year, what a year. Both in a bigger sense and also personally, it’s been a full 2016. Personally: We completed the first year of phd life for my husband and wows, that’s no joke. For the first time in five years, I had a few hours a week without my two kiddos around.
Throughout the entire year, we enjoyed all the perks of Midwest life. And all the while, this little blog of mine has been creatively plugging along! Today I am sharing the Top 12 Fan Favorite Projects of 2016. These are the posts that YOU all have viewed, tweeted, pinned, liked and loved the very most!
It’s always fun at the end of the year, to see what you all have liked the most. Some of the posts, I know well as “top for the year” and others sometime squeak in there to the top without me even realizing! You all were loving the organizational side of the blog this year, so I am excited to share I’m an organizational-aholic and you will probably be seeing lots more of that this coming year!
And although I love a tidy kitchen cabinet, my heart is in the crafting so I was equally if not more thrilled to see that some of my favorite craft posts made in here as well.
Let’s go ahead and take a closer look at 2016!
2016 Hand Lettered Calendar
Oh the hand lettered calendar. I am thrilled to see that people love paper calendars as much as I do! When I first made my calendar in 2015, I announced I might be the only person still using a paper calendar… but after 2016’s calendar was downloaded over 160,000 times – I had a feeling you guys like them. PS, did you see 2017’s calendar is now available!
Mini Watermelon Bags
This was one of my favorite 2016 projects. I’m not a clean perfect crafter. I like loose abstract over realism and these whimsical Watermelon Bags were such fun to create. Plus, it was one of my Martha Stewart projects so I was thrilled beyond words when she later regramed it on Insta!!
9 Ways to Organize your Life and Home
I am an organize-aholic and love trying to find new ways to keep my home in order. Not that it actually IS orderly but I sure give it a good try! I believe if you can take the time even once to get things in place and have a system to do so, it is so much easier later on to keep it organized. I rounded up nine different posts that I’ve written about that very thing and used in my home!
9 Creative Takes on Chocolate Bark Recipes
Everyone loves chocolate and when you are able to make EASY PRETTY chocolate well, that’s just a win win for everyone. I did this fun roundup on creative chocolate bark recipes and then later made my very own Chocolate bark!
Geometric Heart Coloring Page
Last year I had great plans to create a monthly coloring page but I only ended up making one… which you guys REALLY liked! I’ve been thinking about starting these up again in 2017.
25 Things to Throw out and Feel Awesome About
One of my favorite things is to go through closets, drawers, games, etc… and purge. I decided to share 25 things to throw out and feel awesome about because I had a feeling whether you have the extra space or not, we all could do with a little less!
Let it Soar, Spring Printable
Spring is such a great time of the year! We’ve all made it through the grays of winter, the weather starts to warm, little bits of growth start popping up outdoors and we finally get to see a few days of sunshine. I love creating free printables and this was a fun whimsical one!
Striped Gold Foil Wooden Bowl
Oh my heavens. Who is with me on gold foil being one of the best things out there? I mean, as far as craft supplies go… gold foil is pretty amazing. I was so thrilled this was a favorite for you guys, but it was definitely high on my list!!
Pom Pom Birthday Cake
Last year my daughter turned five and we had our first friend party. It was the perfect mix of creative DIY and store bought easy. I shared her adorable Pom Pom Birthday Cake and loved that it took less than 20 minutes to create!
Felt Flowers
2016 was the year I fell in love with felt. I used it on so many projects but honestly, these felt flowers were one of my very very favorites! The colors, the shapes and pairing with with colorful IKEA straws… I am so happy you all loved it as much as I did.
Mum’s the Word Fall Printable
And another printable made it to the top twelve projects!! In the fall, I partnered with a group of ladies sharing Fall Printables and had such fun sketching and playing around with watercolors to create this Mum’s the WORD print!
DIY Braided Clay Bracelet
Get ready for this. You. Can. Braid. Clay. Yes, I know. I could hardly believe it myself, until I did it and then you all loved it.
Wow. Is anyone still with me? That was a lot of favorites. Thank you for your continued support throughout 2016, I can’t wait to get started into this new year together!!
CHeck out blog highlights from previous years!