How to marble with Acrylic Paint
INSIDE : Learn how to make Marbled Crafts using simple Acrylic Paint. A complete how-to guide to make gorgeous marble DIY projects every time using these simple tips.

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This post has been updated since it’s original publish date of July 2019.
I have done quite a few marbled craft projects over the years. I love how each marbled project you make is completely different from the last. Even with the same materials, same colors and many other similar variables – the outcome can take on a whole new look each time!
Looking for ALL the details on marbling projects? My Marbling 101 post might be just what you are looking for!
I have done a handful of marbling projects with acrylic paint. It can be a little bit trickier to use than it’s easier nail polish marbling technique, but definitely can be done.
I have done a few marbled jars and even these adorable pumpkins were marbled with acrylic paint.
My very favorite color medium to use in marbled DIY projects is probably nail polish. However, if you are looking for a fun and even kid friendly marbled technique, using shaving cream is the way to go! However, today I am going to walk you through all the details of marbling with acrylic paint.
You might also be interested in the BOOK that I wrote all about Marbling projects!!
Supplies needed to marbled with Acrylic Paint
There are a few different methods you can take when marbling using acrylic paint, but the basic supplies needed are below.
- Water OR Liquid Starch (method 1 is water, method 2 is liquid starch)
- Wooden Skewers
- Disposable containers
- Acrylic paints
- 4 Disposable plastic cups
- Thick paper like card stock or watercolor paper (or whatever material you are marbling)
- Other items you could marble : wood pieces, ornaments, gift tags
How to float acrylic paint
Floating paint is when the paint sits on top of “thickened” water, which makes it easier to then transfer the paint design to paper or fabric.
The best way I found to float the acrylic paint is by using liquid starch. If you can’t find liquid starch (I found it only at my local grocery and Amazon), I have an easy recipe to make your own.
This liquid starch brand works wonderfully for these projects, so it seems worth the effort of searching it out.
If you can’t find liquid starch in the store or on Amazon, here is my recipe for making your own at home.
Ingredients for homemade Liquid Starch
- 1 Tablespoon cornstarch
- 1/4 Cup COLD water
- 3 3/4 Cup tap water
- 2-3 drops of fragrant essential oil or lemon juice (optional as you are crafting, not doing laundry with it)
How to make homemade Liquid Starch
- Bring 3 3/4 Cup tap water to a rolling boil.
- While waiting for water to boil, mix 1 Tablespoon of cornstarch into your 1/4 Cup of cold water. Stir constantly until cornstarch is completely dissolved.
- Once water boils on stovetop, slowly stir in your cornstarch mixture.
- Remove from heat and let cool.
- Next, fill a container with your liquid starch to store.
What is the best type of Acrylic Paint to use when doing water Marbling?
In my opinion all the various acrylic paint brands I have tried, have worked fairly well when doing marbling projects.
I have noticed that heavier paints will sometimes sink to the bottom of the container and not “float” on the top if you are using only water. If you see the paint you are using seem to be heavier, you have three options however.
Option 1 – First you can add smaller amounts of paint at a time, as that will sometimes make it lighter weight and float a bit more.
Option 2 – You can also thin your paint a bit with equal parts water.
Option 3 – You can also switch out the water in your container and use liquid starch instead.
Liquid starch is a much more dense liquid and will often allow for the paint to sit at the top, allowing for you to dip an item into it for marbling. (See recipe to make homemade Liquid Starch above if you don’t want to purchase.)
DIY marbling with Acrylic Paint
Now that you have your supplies and know which method you are doing to use, it’s time to actually get to the fun part – the marbling! And here is how I personally do it…
First start by slightly watering down your paint. Add equal parts water to your acrylic paint and mix with a wooden skewer. You should be going for a “milky” look to your paint. If you add too much water and you will lose the vibrant color.
In a container, slowly drip/pour the paint into the liquid starch. Using a skewer, lightly run it through your paints to create a lovely marbled effect. Too much stirring will muddy the paints, so just a few simple swirls will do.
Cut your cardstock (or whatever material you are marbling) down to size and lightly dip the front side of your paper into the paint/water-starch mixture.
Note : There is no need to completely dunk the paper, unless you are wanting to marble both sides of the paper.
ALSO NOTE – you must use a thicker or heavier paper if marbling because normal print paper will become much too flimsy.
Once you have dipped the front of your paper, set it aside to dry on paper towels. As the paper begins to dry, you can place under a few heavy books to keep a more flattened shape.
See how to DIY Marble Bookmarks using this technique.
Can you Acrylic Paint marble on canvas?
Yes! Almost any object that you can lightly dip into your container can be marbled with acrylic paint. The main issue with marbling on canvas would be find a canvas that will fit into your disposable container. But otherwise, canvas marbling would be a great creative idea!
Where to buy marbling paint?
I think using regular craft acrylic paint is just fine for most marbling projects. However, if you really are looking for a “marbling” paint I have heard good things about this Bokuundo Marbling Paper Origami Marbling Kit.
Marble with Acrylic Paint for beginners
Marbling is a great craft pastime for people who are just starting out and for kids, too. It is a technique that can really go numerous different ways with no right or wrong paths. If you are a beginner or super advanced, you can still create gorgeous marbled projects!
Make sure if you are marbling with kids and using acrylic paints, to set out a washable or wipeable tablecloth and to have art clothes on.
If you are looking how to do all kinds of marbling projects, you might enjoy these too:
How to Marble using Nail Polish
How to Marble using Shaving Cream
Looking for even MORE about marbling? Check out all the marbling projects I have made over the years!
You mentioned that if you use too much water the colours will be muted? How do I if my made starch mixture is the right consistency? I used decoart medium.
You want your paint to just be a little like thick milk in consistency. If it’s too watery then the colors will be muted since it’s more water (or decoart medium) than paint. I suggest doing a small test batch first, that way you can figure out the best quantities for the look you want and once you have it perfected, you can try on your real project! If you follow the starch recipe, it should be the right consistency. Happy marbling!
I’m curious about making Christmas ornaments. What do you suggest for a larger quantity project
I think marbling with Nail polish is the easiest of the marbling techniques. You can get a disposable aluminum turkey pan and fill with water then add a little polish. Quite a few ornaments could be made that way. Here is more info on it,
How to get nail polish to drip into the water? I tried yesterday & it would not drip out!
I open the bottle, turn it upside down and give it a shake to get the polish out.
Hi! Would this work on Styrofoam you think?
Thank you!
It might since you are using acrylic paint. If you used nail polish, for example… it would sort of errode the styrofoam.
Two questions – does the paint stick to the paper without having to pre-prepare it with alum? Also, with carageenan you have to rinse the slimy surface off of the marbled paper. Doyou need to do that with cornstarch size too?
Great questions. You might find my Marbled Bookmark post helpful – I talk all about marbling on paper and I keep my process very simple!
I’ve used nail polish to marble in the past but have far more colors in acrylic paints at the moment so am going to give this a try on some rocks.
That’s a fun thing to marble! Have fun. 😉
Does this marbling work on glass balls?
It should… however since the glass ball has a slippery surface, it might be a little difficult with acrylic paint. You could always use nail polish, that would stick perfectly.
I had no luck with other approaches to using acrylics, so I was excited to see your article. The instructions are confusing though. After making the liquid starch, why are you putting it in a spray bottle? Wouldn’t you just pour it into your marbling tray? If I can find the prepared liquid starch, does that completely replace the water or am I adding it to the water, and at what ratio? Thanks!
I’m wondering the same thing about the liquid starch… I am going to make some up anyway &hopefully figure out!
Laura, thanks for your comment. Sorry for the confusion there. The liquid starch (homemade or pre-made) goes directly into a tray and will replace the water. There is no need to use both when marbling. Let me know if you have any other questions! 😉
Hi, I would like to do marbling on some terracotta pots. What do you recommend I use as I don’t want it to run off when applying and when the post is in use
For a terracotta pot, I would actually recommend marbling with nail polish. It’s even easier than using acrylic paint.
So you need no water to dilute the stay flo starch? Sorry just a little confused. On the ornaments do I need to spray with alum first?
Thank you
Personally, I this marbling with nail polish is the easiest marbling technique if doing it on something more glossy like an ornament. I have this post about it, But if you still want to try doing marbling with acrylic paint, I’d start by slightly watering down the paint. Like a 1:1 paint to water ratio. And then you can slowly pour your paint into a tub or container of just the flo starch. You can stir it just a bit for a marbled look and then dip the ornaments in. Acrylic paint will totally work, I just think it’s easier to use nail polish for some marbling projects. Good luck, hope this helps!
Thank you for your questions. I just edited the post to clear things up. You are correct, after making the liquid starch you can either fill a small container to store or pour directly into your marbling tray. And if you can find a pre-made liquid starch, then you do not need any water… the starch replaces it. Let me know if there is anything else! Thanks.
I love this craft!!! I did it with my 7-year-old daughter’s class and they had a blast!!! Thank you so much, Amy!!
Oh I love hearing that! Glad they all enjoyed it. 😉