Find Your Tribe. Love them Hard.
INSIDE : Finding your people can not only lift your spirits but encourage you to push for more! Download this Find Your Tribe. Love them Hard quote printable PDF file to hang in your home.

This post has been updated from it’s original July 2017 publish date.
The day is here. Today, the last of our things are being loaded onto the big moving truck here in Illinois and it is heading back out west to New Mexico. Here we come desert life!
With that being said, part of moving is also saying goodbye to good family and friends and that is never easy. Today I am sharing a new print I made, Find Your Tribe. Love them Hard.
This print is available to download at the bottom of the post.
What is a “Friend Tribe”?
A friend (or family) tribe is a collection of people who are all focused on the same thing or end goal. Being able to spend time, do life and even enjoy the company with others that really get YOU, is so important. I think having real friends and spending time cultivating those friendships can often be overlooked as adults.
What does “Find Your Tribe” mean?
What does it even mean to “find your tribe”? Finding people of like mind and also similar values can feel very difficult at times. Often times even more so when you have small children at home.
It often feels like the time when we need other mom friendships in our lives, is the most difficult time or season of life to break away and take time to work on friendships. It can feel very isolating if you can’t easily search out other mamas to spend time with.
What does it mean to “Love them Hard”?
Loving friends or family hard, means you will be there for your people. It may not be easy, but you would drop everything and show up if your core friend group needed support. It means that their problems, sadness and heartbreaks becomes yours as well. And their joy, successes and wins make you happy because you are all in it together!
Let us all remember to embrace others and when you do find those important people in your life, to love them hard. You might like this post I wrote about finding new friends when you move to a new city because it also has great tips for just finding friends in general!
Find your Tribe, Love them Hard Sign
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Interested in learning more on this topic of finding your tribe?
Check out my Just Start ebook. And you will definitely like these similar posts:
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I absolutely loved this post! The idea of finding your tribe and nurturing those relationships really resonated with me. It’s so important to surround ourselves with people who uplift and inspire us. Thank you for sharing such meaningful insights!
Good luck, friend!! And I might have to try out that sea salt spray. <3