Snapchat is a glimpse into REAL
I know, I know. Everyone is thinking GREAT another social media to have to add to my list. I completely understand, believe me. As a blogger I now use Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Google +, Periscope and Stumble Upon…. so I was very very hesitant to join yet another thing. Here’s the difference though, Snapchat might be the only social media right now that you can be authentic and share life without worrying about editing photos and making it look “pinterest perfect”. Snapchat is a glimpse into REAL life without filters and staging and for that reason, I am loving it!
Okay, so if you are… 30 and younger you probably know about a million times more than I do about Snapchat. If you are like me, then you’ve heard of it and heard it’s “the new thing”… but who has time to worry about one more thing?
A long time ago I started a running series called the REAL delineate. It’s a spot where I share a bit more of the real from my crafting life. I have never felt comfortable with giving off the impression that I have it all together or live in a clean creative dream land (I wish!). This mini series was my way of sharing behind the scenes, behind the camera lens, the real of life. But… it’s hard to do real life and take behind the scene pictures and add them to that post and include the link and remember, etc… Introducing… SNAPCHAT!
I LOVE that you can’t record something in advance for Snapchat. You can’t edit yourself or your home to look cooler or brighter or thinner or happier. You have to post in real time, what you are really doing. I love the authentic nature of that. Much of being a blogger is me creating pretty and clean and bright white images, so I enjoy the real life going on in homes and lives.
You also get a glimpse of what people are filling their days with. If you follow me, you’ll see lots of plants, kid snuggles, park visits, the crazy craft setups I use for the blog and things I’m genuinely excited about.
I like that unless someone screenshots your picture, images and videos last only 24 hours. That adds to the ease of sharing “life” without huge worry of your dirty laundry being pinned on Pinterest for all of eternity.
I like that currently there isn’t a way to really know how many people are following you. Personally, you can see how many people view your stories but there aren’t “likes”, “thumbs ups” or any of the other typical markers we all sometimes base our like-ability value on. Yahoo for just sharing something because you’d like to share it and not worrying about how “cool” it performs!
I love Snapchat because I feel like it’s social media in it’s truest sense, just a quick, easy way to be social. You can use it just to connect, have fun and be engaged with other people and their experiences in their life story.
You can follow me by adding me at delineateyrdwel or using my Boocode below. And don’t feel bad if you have to watch YouTube videos on how the heck to use Snapchat…. I know I sure did! #imgettingold
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I had SC for a time and then deleted it off my phone as I just didn’t get it! I don’t know if I can bring myself to try it again, but your post is making me reconsider 😉
I know Haeley… but it’s actually easy once you get the hang of it AND I like that you don’t have to stage and prep the way you might for a Periscope.
I’m loving SC too! Mostly just posting videos of my girls and my messy house but it’s so fun to see some “real” life!
It just feels easy… and all other social media feels like effort to do it “right” as a blogger. SC is refreshing and fun! Just followed you. =)