Kids At Home School Schedule

INSIDE : Download this helpful PDF “Kids At Home School Schedule” for young Elementary Aged Children. This is the routine that we are following for our 2nd and 3rd grade children while we are staying at home during c0v1d. 

(Before our state had us do distance learning, we had 2 weeks of limbo and this is the routine I put us on.)

Kids Home School Plan

Wowie, wow wow.  Has the last few weeks (has it even been weeks?) and days been a little overwhelming or what?  Our kid’s had two days off at the end of the week for parent teacher conferences when everything around us was slowly starting to close and shut down.

We thankfully had the weekend to also kind of process and comprehend what was going on in the world and more specifically locally where we live.  Our NM public schools state-wide made the decision to close for three weeks, including the week of Spring Break (who knows if that will change with time).

Looking for a great chore chart for you children?  This one has been so helpful to us.
Also check out these 60+ Boredom Buster Activities for your children!

Getting into a School Routine

That Monday, I just let our kiddos have a free day because we were all still getting our footing.  Our schools have not officially given us “online schooling”, so currently the teachers are just emailing us suggested things to work on while at home.  With that in mind, I took the Summer Schedule I had created last year and tweaked it to be more applicable for right now.

Home Kid School Schedule

How to mix in Play and Learning 

Let me also note, that since our public schools are not requiring full time “online learning”, I am being more flexible with our time.  I am trying to schedule in just as much play as learning and I think for now it’s working perfectly.  

Currently we are doing more play in the mornings and then more school in the afternoon.  With a slower morning with breakfast, some cartoons (we love the PBS Kids channel), getting dressed, tidying our room and then a chunk of imaginative play and then a bit of iPad learning before lunch.  It has slowly got us going and doesn’t have that rushed feel that the typical school days have.

At Home Kid Routine

The afternoons still are more school focused, but I tried to break the time up with activity time (either being art, music or PE time) and then later with some calm quiet time in their rooms.

Giving Yourself Grace on Schedules

Somedays I personally, just need to rest more or give myself a grace day and we don’t follow this Kids At Home School Schedule very closely.  That is OKAY.  I am not a full time home-schooling mother.  I am a mama who is passionate about her elementary aged kids getting through this really crazy season of life.

Some days we are really on it and follow the routine perfectly and other days, we do it partially.  And I have no judgement or worry about it – we are doing our best and that is good enough to me.

At Home Kid Plan

How to set School Expectations 

I think regardless, it has really helped our entire family to set the expectations of the day.  I simply can not have the television on all day long.  Some days are more loose, but we still need to get dressed, brush our teeth and be productive on some level.  Having a schedule to follow helps us all be more accountable for our time.  And I think having more play time than school time is completely acceptable for middle aged Elementary children, still.

I’m not running a school, I’m running a home with our entire family now home in it 24-7.  Giving myself grace to get through the days, do a bit of learning, some playing and nurturing my children’s minds with thoughts of loving others, encouraging neighbors, thinking of how to serve our community, etc is just as important at times as memorizing 4×6=24.  

At Home Kid PDF plan

This isn’t forever, just temporary and if my little routine is helpful to even just one or two of you, I call that a success!!  Ready to get your Kids at Home Schedule pdf?

Sign up for the DYD Insider newsletter to receive access to my ENTIRE DYD Printable Library along with this Kids At Home School Schedule printable!!! 

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I hope this helps you to get a better system in place for you and your kid’s time at home!

Looking for some of my more kid friendly crafts and projects?  You will definitely enjoy these:

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