Hosting a Favorite Things party

INSIDE : Hosting a Favorite Things party is a fun way to get together with friends and discover new things you might love. Learn what it is, how to set it up and some great ideas on gifts to share!

Muted pastel wrapped presents at a Favorite Things party

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This post has been updated since it’s original April 2024 publish date.

I have now gone to two “Favorite Things” Parties and I must say… they are THE MOST FUN.

Even if you don’t know the group well, you will leave laughing and excited to have gifted things you love and gained things your friends love! I highly recommend hosting one if you can.

What is a Favorite Things Party?

Each guest brings a few wrapped (or unwrapped, depending on your preference) identical items that represent one of their favorite things.

This could be anything from a special cooking appliance they love to cook with, a bath bomb/lotion/lip balm they swear by, a lovely plant or a new book they can’t put down.

The options are simply endless of what can be brought. And there is a budget set beforehand, so everyone spends a similar amount.

Favorite Things Party gift ideas

There are endless ideas of items you could select for your favorite thing. If you are looking for just a few ideas, I have compiled some below to be a bit of an inspirational jumping off point!

Peach and aqua wrapped gifts in a stack
  • House plants
  • Cookbooks
  • Favorite hand lotion
  • Delicious dark chocolate
  • Favorite tea
  • Party Glassware
  • Cozy throw blanket
  • Favorite book
  • Relaxing bath bombs
  • Pampering jade roller and gua sha tool
  • Beautiful Taper Candles
  • Lip Balm
  • Cloth Napkins
  • No tangle hair brush
  • Favorite Water bottle
  • Lovely perfume
  • Notebook and pencil
  • Favorite hiking socks

How to prepare for a Favorite Things Party

To prepare for a Favorite Things Party, start by setting a date and a guest list. Decide how many people you can comfortably host in your home and choose a date that works for most.

Rust and yellow wrapped presents

Next, send out your invitations whether by mail, email or text.

Let your guests know it’s a Favorite Things party and explain what it is, to bring 3 of their favorite items gift wrapped and that each item should cost roughly $X amount (the amount is determined by you).

Hosting a Favorite Things party

The day of the party, pick a table or spot in your home where everyone will come in and drop off their wrapped favorite gifts.

Then, everyone should then write their name down on THREE pieces of paper, fold them in half and place in a big bowl.

When it’s time to begin the game, have everyone get their gifts and then sit in a big circle. Have the first person to pass out their gifts, draw three slips of paper with guest’s names on them. They will then pass their 3 gifts to those three people. As their gifts are being opened, they can share with the group why these items are their fave!

Soft pastel wrapped presents in a pile

The key is that everyone leaves with the same number of gifts as they brought, but each gift is a new favorite thing discovered from a friend!

Favorite Things party variations

There can be variations like “stealing” a gift someone else already picked, adding a layer of strategy and fun. Once someone has stolen a gift x amount of times, it’s off limits to steal again.

What type of food to eat at a Favorite Things party

Don’t forget the refreshments! Finger foods, snacks and adult beverages are perfect for this kind of party.

Have a few drink options but keep it simple. To make a party extra festive, serving punch is always fun, so everyone can help themselves. If serving wine, have one red and one white wine option. And don’t forget to have non-alcoholic drink options as well.

People always love yummy treats, but still want to be able to move around and chat with friends – so serve food that is easy to fit on a small appetiser plate. Soup is probably not the right choice for a party like this.

Favorite Things Party tips

  • Setting a budget helps your guests know how much each gift should cost. If your budget is $5 per gift, you will get much different items than if your budget is set at $20 per gift. This helps people know how much to spend on their favorite things.
  • Depending on what the budget is set for, you should take into account how many of each gift they should bring. If your limit is $10 then brining three gifts may not be too big of a deal. If your budget is $40, maybe bringing two gifts is enough.
  • Decide if you want the gifts to be a surprise and wrapped or for people to admire them before choosing. I think unwrapping them is part of the fun, but that is really up to the hostess.
  • You can also incorporate some background music or games to keep the atmosphere lively.
  • Most Importantly, have fun!  This party is about sharing passions and discovering new things.
Gorgeous yarn tassel wrapped gifts

By the end, everyone leaves with a small collection of new favorite things inspired by their friend’s recommendations!

It’s a great way to discover hidden gems and share unique finds in a fun and social setting.

Pastel gifts at a Favorite Things party

Looking for other fun party ideas? Check out these fun posts.

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