IKEA Locker Organization
INSIDE : See how to best organize and update your metal IKEA lockers! Tips for what to store in your lockers and what containers are best to use.
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So last month, I shared that I had done a ton of research and finally made the purchase of a pair of blue vertical metal IKEA Lockers. Today I am sharing some more detailed organization of my IKEA lockers. I had long been keeping my eye on these vertical Ikea lockers and although my exact color is not available any longer, I did find some other very similar substitutes – 2 Tier 1 Wide Locker, 1 Tier 1 Wide Locker and XL 2 Tier 1 Wide Locker.
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Check out the Best Locker Toys and Accessories.
I have spent quite a bit of time sorting through all my craft supplies, purging the items that I no longer need and making a craft organization plan. It is by no means 100% complete but there has been some great progress made.
Here is how my locker insides currently look :
One section contains various home decor items –
The third IKEA locker is organized by a few kid related activities and more home decor items –
And lastly, the final locker contains the remaining craft supplies that I own –
I also added a few decorative items to the top of the lockers because they currently live in our Dining Room. I was surprised how often I would unlock and open the lockers to get out my colored pencils or nice drawing pens. SO, up to the top they went. Now with a quick reach, I’ve got them all right where I need them.
I found these adorable metallic glasses at Z.Gallerie a few months ago while “browsing” with my mama. I wanted to display them somewhere down lower but both the kiddos couldn’t keep their hands off them!
As previously mentioned, I had a few decal ideas up my sleeves. After taking waaaay too long to figure out how to use my Silhouette printer (birthday present), I came up with these little gems.
These four decals took about 3 hours. It was probably because I had bought the wrong sized adhesive vinyl for the Portrait sized printer. Then, I printed all four on one sheet and that ended up being a mess. Then, I misaligned the vinyl and it chopped one of the decals in half. Lets just say, many lessons learned.
I think it should have taken an hour to design, print and apply all four. Phew… but aren’t they just lovely?
And a few more of the small details…
Looking for a great place to get yourself some lockers? Try these out!