But does it Spark Joy?

INSIDE : Inspired by the KonMari Method of organizing you can download this But does it Spark Joy printable to hang in your home. It is a reminder to assess your belongings and only keep those things that really do bring you joy.

KonMari Method of organizing

Incase you have been hiding under a rock the last few weeks, I’ve got a few things to share.  It appears The KonMari Method of organizing is taking over the world and the coined phrase being But does it Spark Joy? is quickly popping up everywhere. Yes, I’ve said it – organizing is taking over and I’m not sad about it one bit.

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Let’s back up a little and talk first about the book that started this entire Spark Joy  decluttering movement.

WHAT IS The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up ABOUT?

In 2004 Marie Kondo released a book called, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing and it quickly rose to a New York Times Best Seller.  

She talks about tidying your home and that if you can simplify, declutter and organize your home once using her method, you’ll never have to do it again.  Marie started a tidying consultant business in Japan at age 19, so clearly this is a passion and lifestyle for her.


With very specific guidance for determining which items in your house “spark joy” (and which don’t), the KonMari method helps you clear the clutter and instead enjoy the calmness of a tidy home.  You are challenged to gather all of your belongings, one category at a time and then keep only those things that “spark joy” in your life.

Based on the KonMari Method of organizing, download this But does it Bring you Joy printable as a reminder to assess your belongings and only keep those things that bring you joy. Does it Spark Joy print - Delineate Your Dwelling #konmari #doesitbringjoy #declutterkonmari


The difference between typical declutter methods and KonMari seems to be that most methods have you work little by little on each room in your house.  ‘Start with your kitchen and declutter and organize.  Now move to your dining room, etc…’  This way, which is even how I declutter tends to lead you to picking up piles of stuff here and there endlessly.

Marie Kondo’s method, however focus’ on a 5 category system with a simple Konmari checklist.  Which in theory helps change the way you bring items into your home, helps you realize their role in your space and helps keep your home organized and decluttered indefinitely (she claims).

WHAT IS Netflix’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo ABOUT?

At the beginning of the year, Netflix released eight episodes from the first season of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and it seems to be taking the world by storm!  I am already five episodes in and all I want to do is get into my closet and Konmari fold shirts -ha.  If you don’t know what that even means, stick with me for a moment and I will explain.

Each episode features a couple that want to improve themselves by clearing out their home from all the excess they have accumulated over time.  And according to Marie Kondo this also allows one to clear space in their head.

In each of the home makeovers, Marie Kondo helps the home owners clear out their clutter and instead choose joy-filled items to keep.

If it doesn’t Spark Joy get rid of it

A coined phrase from both The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing and Netflix’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo is “Does it Spark Joy?”  When they talk about an item or piece of clothing sparking joy, it is meant to the home owner through the process of separating the important clothes, housewares, and sentimental objects from the unnecessary ones.  By holding each piece in their hands and really deciding if that item sparks joy within them, they can more easily decided whether it is something to toss or hold on to.

Based on the KonMari Method of organizing, download this But does it Bring you Joy printable as a reminder to assess your belongings and only keep those things that bring you joy. Does it Spark Joy print - Delineate Your Dwelling #konmari #doesitbringjoy #declutterkonmari
I have created a But does it really bring you Joy printable available for download.  You can hang this printable in your home as a constant reminder to constantly assess your belongings and only keep and hang onto those things that really do bring you joy.  

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Looking for other organizing related posts?  You might enjoy some of these.

25 things to throw out and feel awesome about
25 Things to Throw Out and feel AWESOME about, Delineate Your Dwelling
Hand Lettered To-do List
Handlettered To Do List checklist, Delineate Your Dwelling
11 Tips for Organizing your Kitchen Cabinets
Organizing Kitchen Cabinets, Delineateyourdwelling.com

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