Speak Truth in Love graphic print
INSIDE : The way we speak really makes a difference. Hang this floral print in your home as a reminder that we always need to speak truth in love!
Post updated from it’s original May 2014 publish date.
I always tell my children, it matters so much the tone we have when we speak to each other. I often have to correct them and say, try saying that exact same phrase again, but this time say it with love in your heart.
You know the saying, actions speak louder than words? Well I think the WAY we speak, speaks louder than actions sometimes!
I have designed and uploaded a Speak Truth in Love graphic print up in my Shopify store that is now ready for purchase. It is available as a downloadable 8.5 x 11 file. Be sure to stop over and check it out! I think this is one of our favorites.
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