DIY Felt Flower Decor Bottle

INSIDE : Learn how to make a gorgeous felt flower bottle and a few quick tricks to making felt flowers. Also this is a 30 Minutes and under $30 craft.

Learn how to make a gorgeous felt flower bottle and a few quick tricks to making felt flowers. Also this is a 30 Minutes and under $30 craft. Delineate Your Dwelling #feltflower #feltcraft

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I am a huge fan of easy and inexpensive DIY projects.  If it’s going to take me long or if I have to spend a lot to make something, then I often won’t even bother.

When Lisa of Haute Girls asked me to participate in their under 30 Minute, under $30 DIY Challenge, I was game!  Today I am sharing how to take an old spice bottle and turn it into a lovely DIY Felt Flower Decor Bottle in no time at all.

What supplies do I need to make a felt flower bottle?

Two shades of green Felt
Old spice bottle
Hot Glue
Copper Spray Paint


How do I make a felt flower on a bottle?

The first step to this easy DIY, is cleaning out and wiping down your old spice bottle.  Once it is cleaned, give it a few light coats of copper spray paint.  While the paint is drying you can create your flower.

I combined three fairly common felt flower techniques to get this felt flower look, but all three techniques are so easy and take just minutes.  If you are interested in some of my other gorgeous felt flower how-to’s check out this DIY Felt Flower post.

How to create the center of a felt flower:

To create the center of the flower, cut a long narrow piece of mint green felt and fold it in half.  Using your scissors, cut along the fold about half way down your folded piece. And cut the entire length of the felt in this way.  Once you are done cutting, use hot glue and start wrapping the felt onto itself.  I add little dots of glue as I go to keep it more secure.

Next, cut a wobbly spiral in a different shade of green.  I like having an uneven spiral because it gives more interest when you glue it all together.  So once your spiral is cut, add a dab of hot glue at the beginning of the spiral and secure it to the felt flower center you just created.  Again, wrap the spiral slowly around the mint green center, adding bits of hot glue as needed.

For the last part of the flower, I cut 6-10 mint green petals and added them to the back of my flower.  You can fold some in half to add a little more dimension and keep others flat.

In total, the felt flower should take you only about 10 to 15 minutes.

I added two floppy felt leaves to my bottle.

Once the leaves were attached with glue, I added the felt flower to the top.

I love the perfect pop of color this bring to my mantel with it’s bright copper base and cheerfully mellow mint flower!


Simple DIY Felt Flower Bottle - A perfect quick craft! Delineate Your Dwelling

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    1. delineateyourdwelling says:

      HA! I love felt, it’s very forgiving! 😉

  1. Christina says:

    I can’t believe how talented you are, you always leave me flabbergasted yet again! I love looking at what you have created in your blog and although I am classified blind I have a talking computer plus a huge magnifier on my software. I have e-mailed my group of blind folk and they are now interested, so I pray they have joined in all the wonderful things you make.

    1. delineateyourdwelling says:

      Oh my, Christina! What an encouragement you are and such a sweetheart! Hope you are having a wonderful day and thank you for your kind words. xo

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