How did I go from HATING Pink, to using it daily?

Something weird has happened to me as I have grown older and I really can not even believe it.  Slowly, over the years I have transformed from a ‘keep pink as far away from me as possible’… to a ‘anything in pink I kind of love’ person. How did I go from hating Pink, to using it daily?  I will tell you how and why I’ve changed my mind.

How I went from Hating Pink to using it daily! Pink is my favorite color now. Delineate Your Dwelling
I have always prided myself in gravitating towards pink.  For years, I mean honestly years however, I have had a strong love for coral and peach… which for all intents and purposes is a very close second-cousin to PINK.  But, in my mind… not at all PINK, just coral.

coral to pink

Then something happened… I had a little baby girl.  I vowed to not dress her in pink.  But over time, I found myself saying well pink in her room is acceptable if it’s paired with Orange.  Pink and Orange are precious and they offset each other, so it’s okay. Slowly the pink was creeping in.

Little Girl’s Bedroom

Rental House - Little Girl's Bedroom,
Rental House - Little Girl's Bedroom,

Then came all the fall and winter holidays.  I really really love doing non-traditional holiday colors.  With Halloween I jumped FULL on pink in a big way with Peppy Pumpkins But they are so cute, I thought – so it felt okay in my mind.

Creative these fun DIY Peppy Painted pumpkins to fit your decor perfectly! Delineate Your Dwelling

For Thanksgiving’s typical orange, brown and rust colors I went orange, soft pink and fuchsia on my table and also used pink in glassware while decorating.

Minimal Thanksgiving Table Decoration, Delineate Your Dwelling

Then Christmas came and I did pinks and fuchsias instead of red.  Pink was clearly starting to be my go to color.  Enter Felt Trees, Glitter Bottle trees, Cookie Parties, ornaments – you name it, pink was in all of them.

Christmas Cookie Table,
DIY Felt Tree,
What was happening to me?!!  Who had I become?  I decided it was really time to go back to my roots, to leave the pink pink far behind and re-embrace my Coral/Peach loving days.  Then, BLUSH pink happened.  Blush pink to me is so far from Barbie pink or Crayola Crayon pink and it just felt right.

I redesigned my site and logo with peach, blush pink and a rusty coral in mind.

I’ve started using pink in softer ways in my Terrariums, Peony Painted Bags, Cork Pennants, Rattan Pencil Cases and even in comfortable pillows on my sofa.

A modern take on a traditional plant terrarium! Painted Crosses, Scallops and Polka Dots add the perfect pattern to the wood base! Delineate Your Dwelling
Easy to paint and lovely to use, Mini Peony Painted Bags - Delineate Your Dwelling
So here I am, clearly an anti-pink, HUGE pink lover.  I vowed to never own pink and for years now I have embraced pink in all it’s different hues, shades and variations.  Guess what – it’s okay.  It’s okay to change your style.  It’s okay to be girly.  It’s okay to hate a color and then clearly love it deeply.  Pink is in and although I may never paint my entire room in the color, I like having a few pops of it here and there and I’m finally okay with admitted it.

Now you will know something is wrong with me if I start using Purple – eeeew… just kidding, not really.

What color do you dislike but maybe love so so dearly?  It’s okay, I won’t judge.








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