11 Hard to Kill Houseplants

INSIDE : While some plants do require more care, check out this list of 11 Hard to Kill Houseplants that anyone can keep alive, as long as some basic care rules are applied.

11 Gorgeous Hard to Kill Houseplants

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This post has been updated since it’s original August 2019 publish date.

So many times, you may walk into a story or a plant nursery and see the most beautiful plant you have ever laid your eyes on.  Or maybe it is a gorgeous plant that you keep seeing pop up on Pinterest or your Instagram feed.  But after buying it, you realize… you have no idea how to take care of it.  

If this is you, first of all did you know I wrote an ebook all about How to not kill your Plants?  

It has a helpful checklist for the 6 steps to keep your plants alive + thriving.  In addition is has a deep dive on 7 trending “it” plants (like your finicky Fiddle Leaf Fig!) and 5 plant printables to hang in your home.  Buy it below.

Well, I think half the time, when we buy those cool fun plants and then they end up dying people think  they are a black thumb and can’t keep plants alive.  I’m here today to dispel those myths!

While some plants DO require more care, I have put together a list of 11 Hard to Kill Houseplants that anyone can keep alive, as long as some basic care rules are applied below. And my ebook Happy Houseplants would definitely help also! Wink wink

11 Hard to Kill Houseplants

ZZ Plant

Can't Kill ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant or Zamioculcas zamiifolia has gorgeous thick waxy green leaves.  They do well in low-medium light and can be watered infrequently. This is a great air purifying plant for beginners. 

I have two ZZ plants and love them for their flexible light needs and big beautiful leaves.

Check out my post for ZZ Plant Care and tips.

Asaragus Fern

Can't Kill Asparagus Fern Plant

Asparagus Ferns or Asparagus setaceus can take a lot more abuse than other ferns since it’s not really even a fern.  It does well in both bright light and darker corners.

Keep their soil moist (you can mist with a bottle in a drier climate) and it will thrive. This is definitely a plant I would keep indoors, unlike other ferns that may be a bit more hardy for outdoor conditions.

Love plants like I do?  You might like some of my other Plant Care + Tip posts.

Snake Plant

Can't Kill Snake Plant

Snake Plant or Sansevieria trifasciata can go by a few other common names, including ‘Mother-in-Law Tongue’ and ‘Devil’s Tongue’.  

It is happiest in bright light, but can tolerate much lower light levels indoors as well.  

Water them sparingly or they can rot. Only 1 or 2 waterings are necessary indoors during the winter and just a few times a month during the summer. These are very long-lived, easy-care houseplants.

Check out my post about Snake Plant care.


Can't Kill Aloe Plant

Aloe or Aloe vera love indirect light and only need a good soak every week or two. The sap from aloe vera plants can be used as a skin moisturizer and to heal minor cuts and ease sunburn. If you do decide to use the leaves, don’t remove more than a third of the plant at one time.

It needs little water, but it does prefer bright, but indirect sunlight, especially in cooler temperatures.  An aloe plant will grow for years in the same container.


Can't Kill Philodendron Plant

Heart-leaf philodendron or Philodendron scandens oxycardium has lovely heart shaped leaves. It is a houseplant favorite to many people because it is such a faster grower and does well as a hanging plant.

These are also easy to propagate in a glass water and grow new plant babies!

Spider Plant

Can't Kill Spider Plant

Spider plant or Chlorophytum comosum is an excellent first time plant owner plant.  It easily grows small little “pup” plants, which can be rooted and regrown.  However, you can also just leave the pups as they are, connected to the main plant.

Spider plants don’t need direct sunlight and when they start to wilt slightly, you can water. They make wonderful hanging plants for that boring corner in your home.

Rubber Plant

Can't Kill Rubber Plant

Rubber plant or Ficus elastica robusta have stunning stunning leaves that darken to deep burgundy with more light exposure and revert to green in low-light conditions.

Rubber plants like to dry out between waterings.  This is a plant that will be a show stopper in your home.

Check out my Rubber Plant care post.

Golden Pothos

Can't Kill Pothos Plant

Golden pothos or Epipremnum aureum is a member of the Philodendron family (See Philodendron above).  It is fast growing plant and has striking variegated leaves.

Pothos is one of the easiest houseplants to grow and almost impossible to kill.  These are trailing plants that just keep on growing. Pruning the plants will keep them fuller at the base and each cutting can be rooted in water to create more plants.

Pothos plants like to dry out between waterings, but if left dry too long, leaves with wilt and eventually dry and fall. They are very tolerant of all types of light conditions, even artificial office lights. 

Check out my post about Pothos Plant care.

Dwarf Umbrella tree

Can't Kill Dwarf Umbrella Plant

Umbrella tree or Schefflera arboricola is fast-growing and easy to contain in size by clipping the top leaves.  They need bright but indirect light. To water correctly, wait until the soil in the pot dries out and then thoroughly soak the soil when you water. 

Christmas Cactus

Can't Kill Christmas Cactus Plant

The Christmas Cactus or Schlumbergera bridgesii produces deep pink or red flowers in early winter. These plants often do best when semi ignored.  They can handle low light, but you will get more flowers in bright light. Pruning after blooming will keep the plant bushy and full.

You can also force your Christmas cactus to bloom in December by keeping it in complete darkness for 12 hours a night, beginning in about mid-October.  Leave it in the dark until buds appear. 


Can't Kill Jade Plant

With thick glossy leaves, the Jade plant or Crassula ovata is one of the most popular plants for indoors. They need plenty of sunlight, so make sure to put them in a bright sunny location.  Be sure to allow the soil to completely dry out, before giving them more water.


  1. I love when the instruction for plants are “ignore” — those are the ones that can survive me. Most of the time I killed plants because of too much attention (RIP huge lovely Christmas cactus I inherited at work.). I’ve picked or been gifted many of the plants on this list and kept (most) of them alive for years.

    1. delineateyourdwelling says:

      Yes, sometimes less is more with plants! I think we like to “tend” to our plants, but many of them want just a weekly check-in. 😉

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