Pop Pop’s Graham Cracker Cookies

Growing up, I have memories of a sweet Nana and Pop Pop.  They weren’t my related family, but our very dear family friend’s grandparents.   (Abby’s Nana (kitchen reveal) and Pop Pop and Shelley’s mother (Colorful kitchen))  Today I am sharing one of my favorite EASY recipes, Pop Pop’s Graham Cracker Cookies.

EASY Graham Cracker Cookies, Delineateyourdwelling.com

One of the things I remember most was Pop Pop’s graham cracker cookies.  He would ask us what color we wanted and we could pick any color in the rainbow for the frosting.

pop pop
Looking back, these were the easiest cookies to make, but at the time I didn’t think anyone could make them but him.  They seemed so special coming to us in our pre-choosen frosting color in a big gallon sized ziplock baggie.

EASY Graham Cracker Cookies, Delineateyourdwelling.com

Now that I’ve got two kiddo’s of my own, these simple but tasty treats popped (no Pop Pop pun intended) into my mind.  I’ve added a few small twists to make it my own, but in just a few moments, you could be making fun memories for your little ones, too.

EASY Graham Cracker Cookies, Delineateyourdwelling.com
one. (Pop Pop used cinnamon sugar graham crackers, but this mama only had regular plain ones on hand) Grab a Graham Cracker and break it in half.
EASY Graham Cracker Cookies, Delineateyourdwelling.com
two. Using a butter knife, load it up with frosting. (I used cream cheese flavored.)
 EASY Graham Cracker Cookies, Delineateyourdwelling.com
three. Slather the frosting onto the Graham Cracker and enjoy!
I added a few Starburst Candy Corn’s to the top for some extra color.  BIG hit with the kiddos.  I may or may not have had a “few” myself.  Thanks, Pop pop.

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